Rima Sutton

Rima Sutton is a licensed clinical social worker in the states of New Hampshire and Maine and received her Master Degree in Social work from Boston University. She has extensive experience working as a clinical therapist with children, families, and adults of all ages.  Rima has worked in a health care setting for many years as well as in community mental health centers.

She also completed an Alternative Certification in Special Education and worked for a period of time as a special education teacher assisting and teaching students with behavioral, social, emotional and learning challenges and provided support and guidance to parents/guardians and administrative and teaching staff.

Rima is skilled in providing treatment in multiple areas including: depression, anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Trauma, co-occurring disorders, chronic illness, geriatric behavioral health. She has taught DBT and anxiety groups, mindfulness and social skill groups.

Rima uses a variety of treatment modalities including : cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), insight-oriented therapy, relaxation and mindfulness, and focuses on strength-based and skill building interventions to improve client’s daily functioning and quality of life.

Location: Concord

Rima can be reached at 617-819-0914617-819-0914, or by email at rsutton@ensocounselinggroup.com